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Women's Institute logoFarming families were not only concerned with their own back forty: they also established many organizations promoting the well-being of the entire community. Farm organizations did much, for instance, to promote agricultural awareness within society. The Farmer's Institute directed their energies toward lobbying and educating the public about the importance of farming. Women's Institutes dealt with important issues of farm and family health, as well as organizing countless charitable activities within the community.

Natalie Burns, 1983 winner in a 4H competition.Farm children became members of the 4-H movement, whose name stands for the principles of Head, Heart, Hands, and Health that go into successful farming. The group taught youth about good farming practices, as well as traditional craft methods and life skills. Kensington had a 4-H group and boys and girls from outlying communities also joined the club. In 4-H, members worked on a year-long project-- anything from raising livestock to traditional woodworking-- and their efforts were displayed and judged at the end of the season. One of the most popular and instructive projects was the care and maintenance of a young dairy calf. During the 4-H logosummer, members would show their calves at agricultural fairs across the Island, and receive recognition-- and even prize money-- for their efforts. By learning the value of responsibility and hard work, 4-H members prepared themselves well to become the next farming generation.

Agricultural Business
