The inscription on the monument reads as follows:

"On this shore, the barque Annabella from Campbellton, Scotland, was wrecked in October, 1770. Her passengers, having lost all their possessions, found welcome shelter in French homes. In spite of extreme hardships, these immigrants and their descendants by their faith and courage made worthy contributions to the development of a progressive community, province and country. Sixty families arrived on the Annabella and included such names as: MacArthur, MacDougall, MacGougan, MacIntosh, MacKay, MacKenzie, Murphy, English, Montgomery, Sinclair, Stewart, Smith, Ramsay, Taylor, and Woodside. To honour these pioneers and to commemorate the arrival of the Annabella, this monument is erected.

September 6, 1964"

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During the centennial year of P.E.I in 1964, a granite monument was erected in Cabot Park, Malpeque to commemorate the arrival of "The Annabella." This brigantine is credited with bringing the first British settlers of any number to the area.
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