Emergency Reception Centre – Hurricane Fiona

#PEI is currently under a hurricane warning, a rainfall warning, a storm surge warning and a wind warning.

The office of PEI Public Safety is warning Islanders of potential flooding, significant treefall, extended utility outages, damage to buildings, signs to tear off, damage to docks and breakwaters.

Residents are ensured that the Town of Kensington is prepared to open the Emergency Reception Centre (Murray Christian Centre – 17 School St.) should it be required, as determined by the Town’s Emergency Measures Co-Ordinator in consultation with the Town.

During the storm, stay indoors and follow local media, and the Provincial social media pages for updates: PEI Public Safety, Prince Edward Island Government, and on Twitter @PEIPublicSafety and @InfoPEI .

Get more weather details from Environment Canada here: https://weather.gc.ca/warnings/index_e.html?prov=pei


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