Town Council Committee’s Updated

Community Services Committee

Members: Chair – Councillor Jeff Spencer, Vice Chair – Councillor Mack MacLean, Councillor Marvin MillMayor Rowan Caseley (ex-officio)

Composition:  The committee shall be made up of three Town Councillors appointed by the Mayor.  The Mayor is ex-officio member of the committee.  Any three members of the committee present shall constitute a quorum.  A chair and vice chair will be appointed by the Mayor from the three Councillors.  The Chief Administrative Office (CAO) shall be the primary resource at the committee meetings.   Other resources may be called on to attend any committee meetings at the discretion of the Chair through the CAO.

Mandate:  In consultation with the CAO, the mandate of the committee shall be to monitor, evaluate and report on building permits, public works issues, residential and commercial property issues and town owned infrastructure both above and below ground.  The committee shall make recommendations to Town Council with supporting rationale and justification for all matters relevant to ensure the Town of Kensington is providing adequate services and facilities within the limits of our financial ability.

Committee Authority:  All direction of staff shall be by the CAO.  The Committee does not have any authority to approve expenditures or set policy.  The Committee shall propose any recommendations to Town Council for approval.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. To meet at least monthly on a regular date each month except July and August unless circumstances require a meeting during the summer months.
  2. To evaluate how the departments are run with a view to identifying any areas of improvement.
  3. To provide a written report of the committee to the CAO no later than Friday before the Town Council meeting for distribution to Town Council.
  4. To identify standards and expectation of the respective facilities and work with the CAO to set up control measure for measurement.
  5. To develop a Capital Asset Management strategy for Town owned infrastructure showing current condition, expected life and expected replacement date along with project cost.
  6. To report any issues regarding town owned infrastructure to the CAO for direction and follow up.
  7. To review any by law infractions and ensure follow up for enforcement and correction.
  8. To do other assignments or tasks which are assigned to the Community Services Committee by the Mayor and or Town Council.


Finance and Administration Committee

Members: Chair – Deputy Mayor Rodney Mann, Vice Chair – Councillor Jeff SpencerCouncillor Mack MacLeanMayor Rowan Caseley (ex-officio)

Composition:  The committee shall be made up of three Town Councillors appointed by the Mayor.  The Mayor is ex-officio member of the committee.  Any three members of the committee present shall constitute a quorum.  A chair and vice chair will be appointed by the Mayor from the three Councillors.  The Chief Administrative Office (CAO) shall be the primary resource at the committee meetings.   Other resources may be called on to attend any committee meetings at the discretion of the Chair through the CAO.

Mandate:  In consultation with the CAO, the mandate of the committee shall be to monitor the financial position of the respective departments of the Town of Kensington as well as the Water and Pollution Control Corporation.  The committee shall make recommendations to Town Council with supporting rationale and justification for all matters relevant to finance and administration within the Town.

Committee Authority:  All direction of staff shall be by the CAO.  The Committee does not have any authority to approve expenditures or set policy.  The Committee shall propose any recommendations to Town Council for approval.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. To analyze monthly the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Account Payable, Accounts Receivable and Bills list for the Town of Kensington & Water and Pollution Control Corporation.
  2. To present a preliminary budget in December each year in consultation with the CAO, with the understanding a final budget must be presented for final approval after the year end audit is complete  but before April 30. (Town of Kensington & Water and Pollution Control Corporation)
  3. To meet at least monthly on the Wednesday before Town Council each month except July and August unless circumstances require a meeting during the summer months.
  4. To recommend to Town Council before April 30 each year a proposed Non Commercial and Commercial tax rate for the current year.
  5. To recommend to the Directors of the  Water and Pollution Control Corporation before April 30 each year a proposed Sewer and Water rate for the current year.
  6. To recommend a Capital Expenditure budget for the current year and work on preparing a capital Plan for the next 5 to 10 years.
  7. To review all administrative matters as required and bring recommendations to Town Council for direction.
  8. To provide a written report of the committee to the CAO no later than Friday noon before the Town Council meeting for distribution to Town Council.
  9. To prepare a Request for Decision (RFD) for all matters requiring financial expenditures that are not within the normal course of day to day business.
  10. To do other assignments or tasks which are assigned to the Finance and Administration Committee by the Mayor and or Town Council.


Public Safety Committee

Members: Chair – Councillor Coreen Pickering, Vice Chair – Councillor Marvin MillCouncillor David DoucetteMayor Rowan Caseley (ex-officio)

Composition:  The committee shall be made up of three Town Councillors appointed by the Mayor.  The Mayor is ex-officio member of the committee.  Any three members of the committee present shall constitute a quorum.  A chair and vice chair will be appointed by the Mayor from the three Councillors.  The Chief Administrative Office (CAO) shall be the primary resource at the committee meetings.   Other resources may be called on to attend any committee meetings at the discretion of the Chair through the CAO.

Mandate:  In consultation with the CAO, the mandate of the committee shall be to ensure the safety of the public through the Fire department, Police Services, and Emergency Measures Organization.  The committee shall make recommendations to Town Council with supporting rationale and justification for all matters relevant to ensure the Town of Kensington is as safe as possible.

Committee Authority:  All direction of staff shall be by the CAO.  The Committee does not have any authority to approve expenditures or set policy.  The Committee shall propose any recommendations to Town Council for approval.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. To meet at least monthly on a regular date each month except July and August unless circumstances require a meeting during the summer months.
  2. To meet with the Fire Chief (or designate) and Fire Department to ensure any matters requiring Council attention be brought to Council.
  3. To meet with the Police Chief to ensure any matters requiring Council attention be brought to Council.
  4. To evaluate how the departments are run with a view to identifying any areas of improvement.
  5. To provide a written report of the committee to the CAO no later than Friday noon before the Town Council meeting for distribution to Town Council.
  6. To ensure any violation of bylaws which are identified are brought to the attention of the CAO for action as required.
  7. To discuss municipal policing priorities and review community policing initiatives.
  8. To identify standards and expectation of the Fire and Police Department and work with the CAO to set up control measure for measurement.
  9. To develop policies and programs designed to enhance public safety for review and approval by Council.
  10. To ensure the Emergency Measures Organization Procedures are up to date.
  11. To do other assignments or tasks which are assigned to the Public Safety Committee by the Mayor and or Town Council.


Wellness and Culture Committee

Members: Chair – Councillor David Doucette, Vice Chair – Councillor Jeff Spencer, Councillor Coreen PickeringMayor Rowan Caseley (ex-officio)

Composition:   The committee shall be made up of three Town Councillors appointed by the Mayor.  The Mayor is ex-officio member of the committee.  Any three members of the committee present shall constitute a quorum.  A chair and vice chair will be appointed by the Mayor from the three Councillors.  The Chief Administrative Office (CAO) shall be the primary resource at the committee meetings.   Other resources may be called on to attend any committee meetings at the discretion of the Chair through the CAO.

Mandate:  In consultation with the CAO, the mandate of the committee shall be to monitor, provide guidance and report on the operations of the Community Garden Complex, EVK Swimming Pool, Ball fields, Town Parks, Special Events and Celebrations.  The committee shall make recommendations to Town Council with supporting rationale and justification for all matters relevant to ensure the Town of Kensington is providing adequate services and facilities within the limits of our financial ability.

Committee Authority:  All direction of staff shall be by the CAO.  The Committee does not have any authority to approve expenditures or set policy.  The Committee shall propose any recommendations to Town Council for approval.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. To meet at least monthly on a regular date each month except July and August unless circumstances require a meeting during the summer months.
  2. To evaluate how the departments are run with a view to identifying any areas of improvement.
  3. To provide a written report of the Committee to the CAO no later than Friday noon before the Town Council meeting for distribution to Town Council.
  4. To identify standards and expectations of the respective facilities and work with the CAO to set up control measure for measurement.
  5. To work with the communities outside the Town of Kensington and encourage support for the operation of the Community Gardens Complex.
  6. To promote the use of sport and recreation facilities within the Town to residents and communities outside of Town.
  7. To work with Central Region Sport and Recreation Council to maximize any opportunities to provide wellness programs to area residents.
  8. To do other assignments or tasks which are assigned to the Wellness and Culture Committee by the Mayor and or Town Council.


Council Representatives on other Boards/Commissions:

FPEIM: Deputy Mayor Rodney Mann

KACC: Deputy Mayor Rodney Mann


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