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The aviation and aerospace industry is not necessarily an economic sector that immediately jumps to mind when one thinks of Prince Edward Island’s “traditional” economic activities and pastoral landscape. Indeed, it is a dynamic, highly competitive, and demanding business. And yes, Islanders are up to the task!

ATIIn an effort to promote the development of this industry on Prince Edward Island, both the federal and provincial governments work with private industry to attract new aviation companies to Slemon Park. Companies located at Slemon Park receive a 100 percent annual rebate of provincial sales tax, income tax, and property tax until the year 2012. These incentives have contributed to the rapid development of this industry.

The Summerside Aerospace Centre, located in Slemon Park, just outside the City of Summerside, is home to several major international aerospace and aviation companies engaged in manufacture, repair and overhaul. The Aerospace Centre’s primary tenants include:

  • AlliedSignal Aerospace Canada, a high-technology repair, overhaul and manufacturing facility providing aircraft components and accessories.
  • Atlantic Turbines International Inc., an overhaul and repair facility for PW100 series gas turbine engines.
  • Testori Americas, a company that designs, manufactures, repairs, and overhauls complete interiors for aircraft and mass transit vehicles.
  • Wiebel Aerospace (1995) Inc. is a manufacturer of precision machined components, repairer and overhauler of hydraulic systems and distributor of spare parts in the aeronautical field.
  • The Aviation Maintenance Institute, a division of Holland College, provides aviation maintenance training and programs in a variety of technical trades.

The Slemon Park Corporation has been successfully running the Summerside Airport since 1991. The facility’s runways, ramps, and hangars can accommodate all but a few of the world’s aircraft.

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