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Rich soil, bountiful waters, and beautiful landscapes have always been the source of Prince Edward Island’s wealth. Traditional resource-based industries such as agriculture and fishing, more recent innovations in food processing and aquaculture, and a longstanding reputation as a beautiful place to visit (and live!) are the driving forces behind our economy. Just as importantly, the Island’s familiar rural landscape—gentle rolling hills, luxurious sandy beaches and rugged red sandstone cliffs—are veritably etched in the spirit of the people here. This landscape and our relationship to it are what make us Islanders... It follows, then, that environmental concerns take on such vital importance. The health of our environment affects our livelihood and our home; in short, the Island Way of Life.

As the elements slowly carve out our coastline and as our intensive farming activities gradually degrade soil integrity, the island of Prince Edward is disappearing.

Soil Conservation
As they become more aware of ways to mitigate the effects of the elements on soil erosion, Island farmers are learning and implementing soil conservation measures.

Ground Water Quality
Water is vital to the health of all living creatures. Prince Edward Island’s human creatures are especially concerned with protecting the quality of their drinking water.

Surface Water Quality
Surface water—bogs, wetlands, ponds, streams, rivers, estuaries, etc.—is home to most of Prince Edward Island’s wildlife population. On behalf of their non-human neighbours, Island people are striving to protect aquatic habitat.

Forestry Practices
Virtually a floating forest before European colonization, Prince Edward Island’s forestry industry is today a subject of heated controversy.

Natural Disasters
For farmers, fishers, teachers, preachers, and bureaucrats alike, Island weather can determine the success or failure of a day’s plans or a season’s harvest. And, sometimes, the elements throw us an unexpected curve ball!

The Irving Whale
Filled with 3,100 imperial tons of Bunker “C” oil and 7.2 imperial tons of Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), the Irving Whale was lifted from the floor of the Gulf of St. Lawrence in August 1996.

Island Woodland Plants

Native Trees and Common Woodland Shrubs