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While the provision of public services may lack the excitement of sport, the depth of culture, or the value of commerce, and while it may be tainted with visions of bureaucracy and tedious politics, it remains an integral part of the Island way of life. As a society, through the intermediary of elected municipal and provincial governments, Prince Edward Islanders provide services that respond to needs we all share but cannot fulfill individually. These services such as police and fire protection, education, health, and waste management are vital to our individual and collective social life. Safe communities, sound bodies, vibrant minds, a clean environment, a voice in decision-making... these qualities define our community and our identity as Prince Edward Islanders.

Members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and municipal police officers alike will attest that the practice of law enforcement takes on unique qualities in Prince Edward Island communities.

The vast majority of Island firefighters perform their duties on a voluntary basis. Their commitment to protecting their neighbours and participating in community life in such an important capacity may well be a uniquely “Island” quality.

Our provincial heritage of one-room schoolhouses has made way for curricula and perspectives that virtually bring the world to Prince Edward Island classrooms.

Community and individual health services are vital to creating a healthy Island society.

Waste Management
Inhabiting this crescent of fragile sandstone surrounded by water, we are perhaps more aware than other Canadians of nature’s limits and the fact that when we throw something away, there really is no “away.”

We are Canada’s smallest province with fewer people than found in many Canadian cities. Yet, we elect not only a provincial legislature but also 75 municipal governments. Over-governed? Perhaps. Well-represented? Definitely.